

A Children's Worship Choir Collection


The Word Choral Club - January 2016

Voicing: Unison/2-part

Release Date: December 28, 2015

  • Favorites from Integrity’s SHOUT PRAISES KIDS! series, arranged for unison kids choir, sprinkled with scripture-reading and occasional solo opportunities!
  • Fun, dynamic tracks make singing traditional hymns fun, putting the life-sustaining words of powerful hymn-writers in the hearts of our children!
  • Includes modern-day praise & worship standards like My Savior Lives, Mighty to Save and Everlasting God

Moving forward with the exciting launch of a fast-growing line of new contemporary evangelical choral products from Integrity Music, this nonseasonal collection for Children’s Worship Choir, aptly named Praise!, is the sophomore Kids Choir release made available via The Word Choral Club and The WordKidz Club.

Adapted for children’s worship choir from the successful Shout Praises Kids! line of products from Integrity Music, Praise! features 10 arrangements for kids choir, with occasional solos and scripture narratives. These easy-to-sing, extremely appealing songs and arrangements will be the perfect addition to your children’s worship choir, and can be used as a powerful outreach tool from your church to the community. The carefully selected list of songs is sure to make Praise! a favorite “go-to” resource for years to come.

Highlight your presentation of Praise! with the use of the DVD Accompaniment Track, especially designed to enhance the impact of this new children’s ministry resource from Integrity Music and The WordKidz Club.
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080689544170 Choral Book $12.95 Physical
080689958960 Downloadable Choral Book $10.95 Get It Now Download
080689918223 Listening CD $16.98 Physical
080689959066 Downloadable Listening Trax $16.98 Get It Now Download
080689952128 Accompaniment CD (Split) $99.99 Physical
080689959165 Downloadable Accompaniment Trax $99.99 Get It Now Download
080689574092 Accompaniment Video $195.00 Physical
080689843723 Bulk CD (10-pak) $69.95 Physical
080689610394 DVD Preview Pak $14.00 Physical